Band: WOLF

Titel: Metal For The Metals!!

Since some weeks I hear the new record of this fantastic band. Heavy Metal at its best: old school with new power and only killer songs!! An interview has to be done and here it is…


Can you tell me what happened since the release of your first record?

Well, first, we did a whole bunch of gigs. Mostly in Sweden ‘cause we didn’t have a booking agency working for us, unfortunately. It was really hard for us to get out and play the rest of Europe. That was a really tough time for us. We worked our butts of, and nothing really happened. Then, from nowhere, came the offer to go with Edguy on a Scandinavian tour. So we went and it was a big success. We got a chance to play for really big crowds, and it was awesome. We also got to work with Skid, Edguys tour manager. A great guy who must be Howard Stern’s long lost brother.

After a while the debut sales started to take off, and our label decided to put out a single and a video for the track Moonlight. The video did really well, and we got quite some airplay. Both radio and TV. Things were taking off when we suddenly realized it was time to start writing new material. We decided to stop with the live gigs for a while and focus 100% on the new album.

How satisfied are you with your new record (the songs, the sound)?

We are very satisfied actually. The new album has better songs, better sound, the lyrics are better and the cover is just awesome. The thing is that when we got to the studio this time, we had 5 more days to work with. It doesn’t sound much but it made one hell of a difference for the result. It was a great feeling, knowing that we had time to make everything just the way that we wanted.

How are the reactions of the press?

So far the response has been great. We’ve done a lot more interviews and radio shows this time. The fun part is that everyone is so stoked on the new album. It’s not only we that are satisfied with "Black Wings", almost all metal-heads seem to be pleased with it. And that’s a nice feeling. We are getting a lot of airplay, and that’s not too common when it comes to heavy metal bands. So, we are having a blast really. Things are looking good. Not only for us, but also for heavy metal in general.

What can you say about the cover and the title?

The massive criticism we got for the last album-cover made it impossible for us to use something like that again. And that was really sad for us. We like the first cover very much. The baboonish wolf with his Abyss prostitutes. But the rest of the world hated it, so, what can you do, right? So we figured we’d go for a long shot and I called up Thomas Holm, who have been one of our fav artists since we were like 10 years old or something. I never imagined he would accept, but he did, right away. And it was magic, we knew then and there that the new album would be something to look out for.

The title is inspired by the cover and from the kind of darker side that we are turning to, both lyrically and music wise. The title was also decided in a time when things were looking really bad. The post 11:th era, when the world was turned upside down, the line "Black wings cover the world" felt rather on the spot.

Why have you asked Thomas Holm for doing the new cover?

He was really the only artist that we felt could create the kind of cover that we wanted for the new album. We wanted an artist, and no fucking Photoshop bullshit that so many bands use nowadays. Photoshop sucks so hard I can’t even begin to tell you. If you can’t fucking paint, then quit already! There’s not a program in the world that can save your sorry ass.

Thomas earlier work for Mercyful Fate and King Diamond is just soaked with evil and mysticism and it was really a boys dream coming true when he accepted the project. We asked him because we respect him and his work very very very much.

You recorded Black Wings with Peter Tägtgren again. Did you enjoy working with him again?

It was fantastic. Peter Tägtgren is such a professional guy it’s unbelievable. He has a big big part in both the first and the new album. The whole atmosphere in Abyss is really perfect for us as a band and what we want to do, and did, with "Black Wings". There is nothing to distract you from the important work ahead. You are living really isolated by this beautiful lake on the countryside. There is nothing to do but to record, play football, drink beer and try to catch the big Pärlby lake monster.

The great thing with Peter is that he thinks just like us. He understands what we mean when we tell him we want a "Diary of a madman-echo". You know, small things like that, that makes everything so much easier and funnier. It’s a blast to work with him really, and we hope to do it soon again.

How deep was he involved in the production process?

He came up with some really good ideas and he told us when we had bad ideas. Which was a good thing. He is a good listener and a guy who knows when it’s time to say – "fuck off, this sounds like shit" or "this is awesome, now move on!" We feel confident to leave a lot of responsibility to him because you can be sure he will never let anything pass that’s not 100%.

In my opinion some riffs sounds really like Maiden’s first and second record and a little bit like Mercyful Fate. I like that very much, because it sounds so old fashioned. From where do you also take your inspirations?

You are right on target my man! We all listen to the "old" metal albums like Killers, Melissa, Don’t break the oath, Restless and wild, Stained Class, and so on. That’s really our musical background. But I mean, inspiration comes from so many places. It’s in everything that we do and appreciate. Like football, being outdoors, fishing, partying, meeting cool people, everything inspires us in one way or another.

Lyric wise we are inspired by nightmares and books. I think there is like 4 nightmare lyrics on the new album. Dreams are a great source to take inspiration from, they are often really twisted and obscure.

What kind of idols do you have?

I look up to people that are really good at what they do. Like Nicko McBrain, Dave Lombardo and those guys. I also have massive respect and admire people that have strong integrity, and sets up goals for themselves, and no matter how hard it seems, they conquer all the trouble and grief and reach their goal.

One example is Jesper Blomqvist, who now plays as a striker for Everton. He’s been injured for the last 5 years, but he worked hard and now he’s back in the saddle again, and doing a hell of a good job too.

But I don’t know if you can call it idols. I admire them as professionals but I don’t have a clue as to who they are. I don’t have any idols, come to think of it. I’m a fan, but I don’t idolize people. Maybe I did that when I was younger. But wait, one idol springs to mind. My grandma. She is the greatest.

What was the reason for you to cover the song "A Dangerous Meeting"?

We love Mercyful Fate. That’s the only reason. I’m sorry, but it’s that simple.

What are you doing personally (working, studying…)?

Nick is working for the railroad. It’s hard but he seems to like it. Mike is a student. Johan works at a centre for troubled kids. He look out for them and tell them all he knows about thrash metal. I work at an Internet company. Well, mostly we play Counterstrike and Ghost Recon. But don’t tell my boss ‘cause he’s an annoying bastard who’s going to kick my ass.

Other than that and playing metal we all like to work out, being outdoors, drink beer and stuff like that. We are much like most people I think. Hanging out with friends, going fishing, sneak down at the pub, you know, things like that.

I just bought a new car. Well, not a new one, but a tough one. A Pontiac Firebird 1970. 255 horsepower’s and a big freaking stereo. So that’s going to be our transportation this summer. Can you imagine all the girls we are going to pick up? God damn it.

If you have the chance to record an album with all musicians you like, which musicians will these be?

Wow, easy one. Here’s the all time high line-up: Vocals – Glenn Danzig, bass – Lemmy, guitar – Malcolm Young, 2:nd guitar & vocals – Elvis Presley 1965 style.

The only problem is that if I got my sorry ass down to the rehearsal room with these guys they would kill me. On the spot. But it’s a nice dream.

Can you tell me your all time favourite top 10 records?

Well Jens, as you probably know, this is so very very difficult. My favourite albums change from week to week actually, or almost anyways. But for now, my fav’s are as follows:

  1. Iron Maiden – Iron Maiden (It’s always nr 1)
  2. Bark at the moon – Ozzy Ozbourne
  3. Powerage – AC/DC
  4. Don’t break the oath – Mercyful Fate
  5. Sad wings of destiny – Judas Priest
  6. Restless and wild – Accept
  7. Mob Rules – Black Sabbath
  8. Reign in Blood – Slayer
  9. Danzig – Danzig
  10. Live at San Quentin – Johnny Cash

Is there any European tour planned?

I’m sorry to say so but at this point it’s not anything planned at all. We are having a lot of problems regarding booking agencies right now so … but hopefully things will fall in place very soon. The only thing I know right now is an upcoming gig as a warm-up for Paul DiAnno in Stockholm on the 3:rd of March + the gig at Wacken open Air this summer.

Do you have any last words?

First off I just want to thank you for the interview. Fun questions, I enjoyed answering them very much. Secondly, keep up the good work and my best wishes to you and all of your readers. Support the underground and stay extremely metal.

Interview: Jens

Photo: Label